Sunday, November 13, 2005

Back in the Saddle

I may have set a record for not posting.

There have been some pretty overwhelming events in my life since my last post, including the best event, and one of the worst.

Lisbeth and I were married on September third. It was amazing, and I am still in awe that I could be so fortunate to have been chosen by her. She is an incredible person, and I can't describe how much I am in love with her. Nothing could top the joy I have at being able to spend my life with my best friend.

On the other side, about two weeks later, Sandy, my puppy, was killed. I won't go into all of the details, but it resulted in a criminal trial. The trial was this past Wednesday, and we got a conviction, but the defendant has appealed, so the process will start all over again soon.
Back to good stuff, Lisbeth and I bought a house. We are in the process now of readying the place to move in. We're a little strapped for time, but we're very excited about the whole thing.
Now then, that brings us current.

Right now it's about 3:30 am. I was doing homework, preparing a presentation on Norse mythology, but like I said, it's about 3:30 am. I am very caffienated, and rapidly losing ability to comprehend what I am reading. Typing is not so much easy right now either, because my hands are shaking, and I can't think in complete sentences. What thoughts I do have are silly. Case in point: when I typed the word "sentences" above, I originally typed "senteces" and immediately thought how much it looked like "feces." I like poop jokes. You already knew that.

I'm at that point where sleepiness and artificial stimulation converge into mild paranoia. Not bad, just enough that noises make me jumpy. It put me in mind, though, of a far worse case of the same condition.

One time, two or three years ago (while taking the second class Lisbeth and I had together,) I had been sleeping about four hours a night because of too much homework. Then I had to stay up all night writing a paper for said class. About three or four in the morning, I was finishing my second or third pot of coffee. The words on my computer monitor ceased to be a language I knew. The level of sleep deprivation I was suffering combined with the extreme over-stimulation resulted in my body being awake while my brain was pretty much asleep. That was when I realized there was a vampire in my house.

Having a vampire in your house is frightening, make no mistake. But I was more angry than scared. I've seen the movies. They can't come in your home uninvited, and I had not invited any blood-suckers in. The most logical course of action, then, was to tip-toe in my socks around the house, hopefully finding him before he found any of my roommates, and tell him he was not welcome. Thanks but no thanks, we don't want any.

I didn't catch him. I never saw him. I assumed he had realized I was onto him and left. After a little sleep, though, I felt pretty silly.

I'm not seeing any vampires tonight, but man do I want to go to sleep. I can't wait to get home from work.

On a side note, I can't go this long without posting again. I'm typing this offline, and I don't know if I'll remember my password. If you read this, I guess it means I did.

Side note #2: Nevermind, I remembered it on the first try. Turns out it was one of my common ones.

Side note #3: I thought with this post I'd stop using song titles and other pop-culture references as post headings, but this one just made sense. Even though I don't really like Aerosmith. Maybe next time.


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