Thursday, May 05, 2005

School's Out for Someone

Lisbeth got a job! A real, grown-up type job, with a salary, and benefits, and daytime hours and all of that kind of stuff. She interviewed yesterday at 3:00. She finished about 3:45, came over here so we could go get ice cream, and a few blocks before we got to Sonic, her phone rang. It was only one hour after the interview had ended, and they were offering her the job. I wish i had had a camera when she answered the phone: her face bore one of the most ecstatic expresions I've ever seen. Her voice remained fairly calm, but her face was exploding, her hands were shaking. It was great. I'm excited for her, because it's a great job, that seems made for her (even if I've already said that.)

Apparently the comment function is not functional. The last post has five comments, but says zero, and blogger is supposed to notify me by email when a comment is made, but that hasn't been happening lately. If anyone needs to get in touch with me, and a comment I won't notice for a while won't do it, email me at sethcwhite (at) gmail (dot) com. And I'll post the story soon, I need to do just a little more revision.

Also, regarding that link last time to someone's mom, I finished going through those pictures and reading the captions, and I find it not so funny now. I thought it was just some pack-ratting (is that a usable verb?) but there seems to be a serious compulsion at work. I hope she is all right.


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